Safe Manual Handling

---------------Member price with discount code = £0------------------- By taking a look at how manual handling risks arise and how to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of injury in different work environments, this course will help the learner to avoid joining future Health and Safety Executive injury statistics.
Safe Manual Handling Refresher

---------------Member price with discount code = £0------------------- By looking at how manual handling risks arise and how to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of injury in different work environments, this course will help the learner to avoid joining future Health and Safety Executive injury statistics.
Slips, Trips and Falls (RoSPA Approved)

---------------Member price with discount code = £0------------------- This course is a crucial first step in making the workplace safer, and creating accident-related cost-savings for the learner’s organisation.
Slips, Trips and Falls Refresher

---------------Member price with discount code = £0------------------- The Health and Safety Executive states that over one third of all major injuries reported to them each year are the result of a slip or trip leading to a fall. Slips and trips are the most common causes of non-fatal major injuries in both the manufacturing and service industries, and account for over half of all reported injuries to members of the public on business premises.
Staying Safe with DSE

---------------Member price with discount code = £0------------------- This course will enable the learner to take positive action in respect of their own health and safety by creating a safe seating position, adopting the correct posture and operating workstation equipment appropriately.