Buisness Skills

An Introduction to Time Management

This course, one of a series, enables the learner to understand the concept of time management, identify any issues they may have and take initial steps to remedy problems.
Creating SMARTER Objectives

This course will help the learner to improve their job performance, develop their existing skills and knowledge and work effectively towards career goals through the creation of practical and effective personal objectives.

Home Working in Extraordinary Circumstances

This course will introduce you to home working in extraordinary circumstances, covering common struggles, coping strategies and best practices.
Returning to Work During Exceptional Times

This course will cover the best practices to follow daily when returning to work.
The Importance of Setting Goals in Time Management

This course is designed to enable you to understand the importance of setting goals in time management.
Time Management - Deciding the Priorities

With good prioritisation you can bring order to chaos, reduce stress and move towards achieving your goals.
Time Management - Managing Disruption & Keeping Focused

Learning how to minimise these distractions can dramatically increase your productivity and effectiveness, as well as reduce your stress. This course will enable you to minimise distractions, get into flow, produce high-quality work, and achieve much more during the day.
Time Management - Planning and Scheduling

Time is a finite resource that cannot be stored or saved for later use - time poorly used cannot be retrieved. Everyone has exactly the same amount of time each day, so how well it is used will figure highly in defining levels of job performance.