An Introduction to Basic First Aid


There are a number of reasons why first aid is so important, such as encouraging general safety, preventing casualties’ conditions from worsening and, ultimately, saving lives. Ideally, everyone would have a basic knowledge of what first aid is, why it is important, how to apply it and what do to in an emergency.

This course describes what first aid is and why it is important. It also provides sufficient information for the user to be able to apply first aid safely and effectively to different types of casualty.

Course Content

• What first aid is and why it is important

• UK first aid law and regulations

• Employers’ responsibilities

• Managing an injury incident

• Treating casualties

o Unconscious casualty (breathing and not breathing)

o Respiratory problems

o Bleeding

o Effects of extreme heat and cold

o Medical problems

• What to do in a medical emergency

Course Duration:

  • 40 minutes

Target Audience

  • Anyone with a need / desire to learn about basic first aid

Available in:

  • Audio

Delivered Via:

  • Internet
Price: £25.00