Organising & Running Effective Meetings


In many of today’s organisations, much of the important work takes place in meetings. These meetings are organised and conducted for a specific purpose, usually to deliver new knowledge or information, discuss issues or ideas, solve problems or reach decisions.

The goal of anyone calling a meeting, therefore, should be to make sure those attending have a clear understanding of why they are there, what they can contribute and what the intended outcomes of the meeting are. All this whilst feeling included, motivated and respected.

On the face of it this is a tall order, but this course aims to show you how easy it can be, provided you know what steps to take and how to take them.

Course Content

  • The key elements of an effective meeting
  • Meeting objectives
  • Planning an agenda
  • Identifying meeting participants
  • Preparing for a meeting
  • Chairing a meeting

Course Duration:

40 minutes

Target Audience

  • Anyone responsible for organising or running meetings

Available In:

  • Audio
  • Non-Audio

Delivered Via:

  • Intranet
  • Internet

View the course demo here-

Price: £25.00