Management Skills

An Introduction to Meetings & Meeting Types

The modern workplace is becoming ever more challenging and employess are required to have a diverse range of expertise and competencies...
An Overview of Performance Appraisal

For many managers the ideas of conducting performance appraisal fills them with dread. This is unfortunate, as performance appraisal is a crucial element of the overall performance management process and, as such, generates many benefits for the individual, the line manager and the organisation.
Attracting Candidates & Producing Job Advertisements

If you have completed the first two courses in the recruitment and selection series, you will now be armed with your job description and person specification. Now you are ready to think about how you are going attract applicants for the job.
Creating SMARTER Objectives

This course will help the learner to improve their job performance, develop their existing skills and knowledge and work effectively towards career goals through the creation of practical and effective personal objectives.

The ability to delegate is one of the key competencies of an effective manager. In this course, we’ll clarify the definition of delegation, so you’ll feel confident when describing it to the staff to whom you are delegating tasks.
Job Analysis, Job Descriptions and Person Specifications

Job analysis, job descriptions and person specifications sound like three pretty dry subjects! But think about it – employing the wrong person can be a costly and stressful business. Many disastrous recruitment decisions have resulted from getting just one key element of the recruitment and selection process wrong.
Ongoing Appraisal

This course considers why appraisal should be a continuous cycle of activity aimed at improving performance and achieving agreed objectives. It also enables the learner to understand the part ongoing appraisal plays in organisational performance management.
Organising & Running Effective Meetings

In many of today’s organisations, much of the important work takes place in meetings. These meetings are organised and conducted for a specific purpose, usually to deliver new knowledge or information, discuss issues or ideas, solve problems or reach decisions.
Preparing for the Appraisal

This course will enable the learner to understand the importance of being prepared for the appraisal discussion, and how to carry out essential preparatory tasks.
Shortlisting Candidates & Selection Techniques

Making sure you select the correct candidate to fill your vacancy is a crucial part of the recruitment process.