Avoiding and Dealing with Race Discrimination

This course looks at the legal requirements in place to combat work-related race discrimination and provides a template for addressing them effectively.
Avoiding and Dealing with Religious or Belief Discrimination

This course will enable the learner to understand and recognise religious or belief discrimination and take appropriate steps to avoid or deal with it.
Avoiding and Dealing with Sex Discrimination

As modern society has discovered, women have the ability to perform with equal skill and success in virtually every field engaged in by men, from employment to sport. Yet discrimination on the basis of sex has a long history and its residual effects still operate to keep the pay of many women lower, and opportunities fewer, than those available to men.
Avoiding and Dealing with Sex Discrimination

As modern society has discovered, women have the ability to perform with equal skill and success in virtually every field engaged in by men, from employment to sport. Yet discrimination on the basis of sex has a long history and its residual effects still operate to keep the pay of many women lower, and opportunities fewer, than those available to men.
Avoiding and Dealing with Sex Discrimination

As modern society has discovered, women have the ability to perform with equal skill and success in virtually every field engaged in by men, from employment to sport. Yet discrimination on the basis of sex has a long history and its residual effects still operate to keep the pay of many women lower, and opportunities fewer, than those available to men.
Avoiding and Dealing with Sexual Orientation Discrimination

People of all sexual orientations should feel welcome, safe and respected in their workplace. This poses few difficulties in organisations where people are treated fairly, and opportunities are based on merit.
COSHH Awareness (RoSPA Approved)

---------------Member price with discount code = £0------------------- This course provides an awareness of the essential COSHH requirements for those working with, or potentially affected by, hazardous substances.
Creating SMARTER Objectives

This course will help the learner to improve their job performance, develop their existing skills and knowledge and work effectively towards career goals through the creation of practical and effective personal objectives.
Cyber Security

This course will explain how you can remain safe and compliant by understanding online security. You will be able to describe how to protect yourself, and the company in which you work, to stay safe from digital threats.
Data Protection Act 2018

This course explains what the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) is and how to comply with it.